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Please Note: The following information is specific to the San Francisco Bay Area. For information on piping outside of the Bay Area, check the sites on the links page.

San Francisco Pipers' Club:

Mike De Smidt, President and Treasurer
Todd Denman, Vice President
Alina Larson, Secretary

The following people are available to perform
at weddings and other events.

Tim Hill: 215-570-0719, uilleanner@gmail.com
Mike De Smidt: 831-345-0292, uilleannpipemike@gmail.com
Michael Hubbert: 707-357-0310, hubberts@mcn.org
Autumn Rhodes: 574-215-4953, autumn.rhodes@gmail.com
Alan Keith: 650-391-5546, alan-keith@comcast.net
Nanette Fynan (fiddle): 707-975-9725, nsfynan@gmail.com
Sean Folsom: 707-964-6651

Pipe Makers:
Michael Hubbert: 707-357-0310, hubberts@mcn.org

Piping Teachers:
Tim Hill: 215-570-0719, uilleanner@gmail.com
Mike De Smidt: 831-345-0292, uilleannpipemike@gmail.com

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