Web Sites
Our club's Facebook page has annoucements, video clips, and other posts
related to piping and club activities.
Our club's YouTube channel is a place to post instructional videos and
other videos of our piping events.
Na Píobairí
NPU was formed in Ireland in 1968 to promote the playing, production and
maintenance of uilleann pipes, especially through the teaching of uilleann
piping. Their web site contains lots of information on pipes, pipe makers,
links to piping-related sites, and a catalog of records, publications and
other items for sale.
D'Arcy's Uilleann Pipe Obsession Page
Patrick D'Arcy is a founding member of the Southern California Pipers
Club. His site has lots of links to other piping sites.
Todd Denman's
Todd is a local piper who performs and records on the
uilleann pipes.
Sean Folsom's
Sean is a local piper who owns and plays over thirty different
kinds of bagpipes from around the world.
Pipers' Club
The Seattle Pipers' Club partners with us to host the West Coast Tionol
on even-numbered years.
Mailing Lists and On-line Forums
SF Pipers' Club Group
The club has a Google group that is used to send announcements
about meetings and other club activities.
If you are a piper located in the vicinity of the San
Francisco Bay Area, please join this group to find
out about upcoming events.
Chiff and Fipple Discussion Forums
The Uilleann Pipe forum has become a popular site for
piping discussions, lively arguments and general piping
publishes an excellent newsletter, and there are also a number of good
tutors and videos produced by NPU.
For historical information, Francis O'Neill's Irish Minstrels and
Musicians is a good source.